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Research Report – PCAsia

Research Report

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Research Report


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) wasdetected in December 2019 in Wuhan,China. This represented the third outbreakof a human coronavirus, following SARS(severe acute respiratory syndrome) andMERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome). The virus spread quickly to 123 countriesworldwide, affecting more than 770 millionpeople, with approximately 7 milliondeaths, of which almost 400,000 were inSoutheast Asia.

Preliminary Need Assessment Survey of Parliamentary Staff In charge of Environment and Climate Change in the Parliaments of Cambodia and Thailand

The Parliamentary Center of Asia (PCAsia) is an independent parliamentary support institution for the client Parliaments which, upon request of the parliamentarians and the parliamentary commissions and their General Secretariats offers a wide range of trainings and research publications on current and emerging key issues, legislation and major public policy topics.

Summary Report on Analysis on Health Expenditure of NCD_Khm

This report highlights the public health expenditure and the socioeconomic impacts of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in Cambodia. NCDs are responsible for 6.6 percent of the economic burden, of which KHR 5.97 trillion were lost annually by indirect costs of KHR 5.63 trillion (absenteeism, reduced capacity at work and premature death) and 23 percent of dying prematurely (UNDP, 2020).

Summary Report on Analysis on Health Expenditure of NCD_Eng

The Parliamentary Center of Asia (PCAsia) is an independent parliamentary support institution for the client Parliaments which, upon request of the parliamentarians and the parliamentary commissions and their General Secretariats offers a wide range of trainings and research publications on current and emerging key issues, legislation and major public policy topics.

Main Report on Analysis on Health Expenditure of NCD_Eng

This report highlights the public health expenditure and the socioeconomic impacts of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in Cambodia. NCDs are responsible for 6.6 percent of the economic burden, of which KHR 5.97 trillion were lost annually by indirect costs of KHR 5.63 trillion (absenteeism, reduced capacity at work and premature death) and 23 percent of dying prematurely (UNDP, 2020).

The Parliamentary Center of Asia (PCAsia) is an independent parliamentary support institution for the client Parliaments which, upon request of the parliamentarians and the parliamentary commissions and their General Secretariats offers a wide range of trainings and research publications on current and emerging key issues, legislation and major public policy topics.

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