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Home » ABOUT PCAsia

PCAsia’s Vision

PCAsia works for an ASEAN region where peace, harmony and mutual understanding are supported by highly qualified parliamentary staff which has the capacity to operate at standards that are internationally recognized. This includes Parliaments where the inclusion and representation of all citizens is fully reflected and where Parliamentarians have access to evidence-based knowledge and research resources that properly support their decision-making, and enable them to serve their constituents at the highest level of performance.

PCAsia’s Mission

PCAsia offers capacity development to enable parliamentary staff throughout the region to perform their roles efficiently and effectively. It responds to demand from Parliaments to provide training in subjects that meet needs, delivered with flexibility that acknowledges unpredictable working and personal schedules. It also supports the identification and dissemination of knowledge that enables Parliaments – their Members and staff – to serve constituents in a thorough, equitable and non-partisan manner, and provides a platform for the gathering and exchange of experience and the nurturing of friendship and mutual understanding. A particular focus is placed on supporting Parliaments to understand and deepen their representation function in a way that includes all of their citizens and that enhances national and regional stability.

PCAsia’s Values

  • Encourages cooperation and mutual respect among all regional participants
  • Respects diversity in all its forms – cultural, political, religious, social, and racial
  • Opposes all forms of discrimination, supporting the equal rights of male and female staff and participants
  • Learns constantly from its own experiences and those of others
  • Seeks always to innovate, drawing on ideas and input from relevant organizations and individuals throughout the world
  • Ensures that new activities are initiated either in response to the expressed needs of its parliamentary clients, or that relate to issues that Parliaments might face, including migration, national safety, climate change, gender, and peace building
  • Develops professionalism among its staff and among all participants in all of its activities
  • Operates in a strictly neutral, non-partisan manner
  • Encourages teamwork and the sharing of ideas
  • Supports transparency and openness

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