13 parliamentary staff received certificates award for their dedicated commitment in completion of Training on Public Policy Communication
The Parliamentary Centre of Asia (PCAsia) hosted the ceremony to handover certificates to the 13 parliamentary staff of the Cambodian Parliament on 2 September. Joining them in the virtual event was His Excellency LOK Chhay, Acting Secretary General of the Senate on behalf of His Excellency the Secretary General of the Senate, His Excellency KAY Ketninn, Director General of Legislation and Research of the National Assembly, on behalf of His Excellency the Secretary General of the National Assembly, and Ms Susan FONG, Deputy Director of PCAsia.
The 5-days substantive training on Public Policy Communication was held from 22 to 29 August 2022 with Dr CHHEANG Vannarith.
In his closing remarks, His Excellency LORK Chhay highlighted that “the training course on Public Policy Correspondence is very important to support the parliamentary representative role.” He continued that “to achieve such results, parliamentary officials must be knowledgeable about the principles and methods of conducting communication, especially in relation to the communication of laws and public policies to the people.”
His Excellency KAY Ketninn also voiced his strong support as he mentioned that “I believe that through the recent training, which was delivered by Dr CHHEANG Vannarith, trainees have a clear understanding of the principles and methods to be used for communication of laws and policies.”
The trainees also had an opportunity for feedback, with most explaining that the topic was relevant and that they could apply the knowledge from this training to their daily work. They expressed that they highly valued the expertise of the trainer Dr CHHEANG Vannarith, while suggesting that PCAsia consider offering further advanced training related to such topics, including policy evaluation as it is crucial for conducting research for Parliament. They also stressed the value of practical field studies to continue to enhance their learning and better apply the new knowledge to their real work.
Adding on trainees’ feedback, Dr CHHEANG Vannarith concluded that the training had successfully fulfilled its objectives to provide the parliamentary trainees with the conceptual foundation and practical knowledge in using behavioural insights to assist MPs to communicate policies effectively to their AIPA Member counterparts and to the public.