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Summary Report on Analysis on Health Expenditure of NCD_Khm

Summary Report on Analysis on Health Expenditure of NCD_Khm

This report highlights the public health expenditure and the socioeconomic impacts of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in Cambodia. NCDs are responsible for 6.6 percent of the economic burden, of which KHR 5.97 trillion were lost annually by indirect costs of KHR 5.63 trillion (absenteeism, reduced capacity at work and premature death) and 23 percent of dying prematurely (UNDP, 2020).

Summary Report on Analysis on Health Expenditure of NCD_Eng

Summary Report on Analysis on Health Expenditure of NCD_Eng

This report highlights the public health expenditure and the socioeconomic impacts of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in Cambodia. NCDs are responsible for 6.6 percent of the economic burden, of which KHR 5.97 trillion were lost annually by indirect costs of KHR 5.63 trillion (absenteeism, reduced capacity at work and premature death) and 23 percent of dying prematurely (UNDP, 2020).

Main Report on Analysis on Health Expenditure of NCD_Eng

Main Report on Analysis on Health Expenditure of NCD_Eng

This report highlights the public health expenditure and the socioeconomic impacts of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in Cambodia. NCDs are responsible for 6.6 percent of the economic burden, of which KHR 5.97 trillion were lost annually by indirect costs of KHR 5.63 trillion (absenteeism, reduced capacity at work and premature death) and 23 percent of dying prematurely (UNDP, 2020).

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Overview of Non-Communicable Diseases and Communication Strategies for Effective Prevention and Control in Cambodia

Overview of Non-Communicable Diseases and Communication Strategies for Effective Prevention and Control in Cambodia


The trend of NCDs in Cambodia has increased, especially with cardiovascular disease and the underlying risk factors remain tobacco and alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet, metabolic risk factor and physical inactivity. The high-risk groups for NCDS are males and females aged 30 to 69 years. However, there is a higher prevalence among men than women in some risk factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption, especially among men aged 18 and 49 years old.

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