Regional with MOU
- ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
- National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia
- Senate of the Kingdom of Cambodia
- National Assembly of Lao PDR
- House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Thailand
- Senate of the Kingdom of Thailand
- Cambodian Development Resource Institute (CDRI)
- King Prajadhipok’s Institute (KPI)
- The Asia Foundation (TAF)
- Institute for Legislative Studies, Lao PDR
- National Institute of Diplomacy and International Relations (NIDIR)
- In the context of the FACT Programme: in Cambodia, the Cambodian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), The General Department of Taxation (GDT), the National Institute of Statistics (NIS), the National Audit Authority (NAA), and Transparency International Cambodia (TI Cambodia) and internationally, the Congressional Policy and Budget Research Department of the Philippines. Swedish Parliament, Canadian Parliament
International with MoU
- Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie (APF)
- Centre for Legislative Studies, Law Faculty of the University of Zurich, Switzerland
- French Senate
- Cantonal Parliament of Zurich, Switzerland
- East-West Management Institute
- European Parliament
- French National Assembly
- Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
- Landesa
- Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Canada
- Parliament of Canada
- Research Service of the Riksdag, Sweden
- Swiss Parliamentary Services (SPS)
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- University of Sussex, United Kingdom