Parliamentary Diplomacy: Overview
The Training Program on Parliamentary Diplomacy aims to build the capacity of parliamentary staff in the Southeast Asian region to better support the diplomacy work of their Parliaments. This relatively new but increasingly necessary form of diplomacy has become an important tool to help Parliaments articulate their respective countries’ positions on how to address regional and global challenges. Due to requests identified this year by member Parliaments of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), this program will be oriented towards how AIPA meetings are conducted, as well as how AIPA member Parliaments participate in these meetings.

Fellows completing the Training Program on Parliamentary Diplomacy will be able to better support Parliamentarians to actively engage in diplomatic discussions and debates on the regional and international scenes, and in particular in AIPA meetings (General Assembly meetings, WAIPA meetings and other AIPA meetings).
They will be able to prepare effective speeches, memoranda providing country’s positions and to assist in the creation of draft resolutions on a variety of subjects related to international relations and foreign affairs by making use of, as much as possible, the templates for these developed by AIPA in accordance with the AIPA Statutes and practices. Fellows will also be able to demonstrate an increased awareness of international relations, foreign affairs, international law, parliamentary processes and the workings of certain inter-parliamentary organizations, particularly as they relate to the above mentioned parliamentary diplomacy documents.
Eight weeks including one-week practical simulation
Face-to-Face and Hybrid
Training: 20 May – 11 July 2024
Simulation: 9-11 July 2024 (TBC)
? trainees
The training is conducted in English