Promoting Digital Capacity to Contribute to Connectivity and Inclusive Development in ASEAN: The Case of Thailand
This publication is produced by the Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC), which is an independent institute established in 2011 at the request of Cambodian Parliamentarians to assist in strengthening the capacity of both the Senate and the National Assembly. PIC supports Cambodiaβs Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff in gaining the skills and knowledge to fulfill their roles at the highest level of competence.
αα·ααααΆααΆαααααααΊαα·ααααααα αααα»αααααααααααα»ααΆααΆαααΎαα‘αΎα ααΆαα·αααααΆαα½αααΉαααααΊααααααΆααααααΌα α αΎααααααΆα αΆαα·αααααΌαααααΆααα ααααΆααααΆαααα αα·αααααΏααααααΉα αααα’αΆα αΆααααααααΆααα»αααΆαααΆα αααααΆα αΆαα·ααααααααΆααΌααΈαΒ αα·ααααααααΆααααααααα αΒ
The trend of NCDs in Cambodia has increased, especially with cardiovascular disease and the underlying risk factors remain tobacco and alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet, metabolic risk factor and physical inactivity. The high-risk groups for NCDS are males and females aged 30 to 69 years. However, there is a higher prevalence among men than women in some risk factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption, especially among men aged 18 and 49 years old.
This briefing note seeks to address three research questions:
- What is the status of Water-Energy-Food Security in Asia and Europe?
- What are the challenges facing by the two regions related to water, energy and food
security? - How could Asia and Europe cooperate more to increase food security, while managing
the water and energy challenges in the framework of the Water-Energy-Food Security
nexus under climate change?